GPS coordinates

Decimals => N:43.498 – E:3.027
Sexagesimals => N:43°29'52.8 – E:3°1'37.2

Access from Béziers

About 30 mins

  1. Access the D612, a peripheral of Béziers.
  2. Get out at the D14 towards "Maraussan/Cazouls-lès-Béziers "
  3. Continue straight on the D14 to Roquebrun
    • You will pass “ Maraussan”
    • Then " Cazouls lès Béziers "
    • And " Cessenon "
    • Welcome to Roquebrun !

Access from Montpellier

Approximately 1h15

  1. Take A9 towards Barcelona
  2. Exit 36 ​​" Béziers Ouest"
  3.  First roundabout: D64 Direction “Mazamet-Castres”
  4. Second roundabout: D612 Direction " Montpellier-Millau"
  5. Take the first exit D14 Dicrection “Maraussan-Cazouls”
  6. Continue straight for 30 minutes to arrive at Roquebrun !